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helmet camera may have documented the Miami Heat Court Culture Haslem Shirt and by the same token and crash. Though no footage made it into evidence for the trial, attorneys have repeatedly questioned witnesses about an email one of his daughters sent that said: “I also can’t believe this is all on GoPro.” Terry Sanderson, the Utah man suing Gwyneth Paltrow, testifies in court in Park City, Utah, on Monday.Rick Bowmer / AP That daughter, Shae Herath, testified last week that her words were mere speculation that someone on the upscale mountain must be outfitted with a helmet camera because they are a fixture at ski resorts. Paltrow’s attorneys have continued to raise questions about what happened to the footage that Sanderson and his family members referred to. It became clear Monday the potentially explosive evidence wouldn’t explode. Judge Kent Holmberg said online sleuths had found the link and that its contents would be included as evidence. It didn’t contain GoPro footage. Instead, it was to a chat between members of Sanderson’s ski group, in which Ramon — the man claiming to be the crash’s sole eyewitness — said on the day of the crash that Paltrow

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had crashed into Sanderson. “Terry was knocked out cold. Bad hit to the Miami Heat Court Culture Haslem Shirt and by the same token and head!” Ramon wrote. “I did see the hit. Terry did not know his name.” The exchange made clear that Ramon thought Paltrow crashed into Sanderson years before any lawsuit was filed. It also shows Sanderson and those skiing with him knew the woman in the crash was Paltrow. Recommended WORLD Israeli leaders lash out at Biden’s criticism as judicial overhaul sparks a rare public rift WAR IN UKRAINE Any Russian victory could be perilous, Ukraine’s Zelenskyy warns After four and a half days of Sanderson’s attorneys’ calling witnesses, Paltrow’s defense team has equal time to present its case. One of her family’s four ski instructors came to the stand Monday afternoon. Attorneys said Monday that Paltrow’s two teenage children, Moses and Apple, would have their depositions read into the record later in the week instead of appearing in court. Jurors sat transfixed as Paltrow’s attorneys played computer animated reconstructions of how they say the collision occurred, with high enough resolution to show trees, children’s ski coats and multiple vantage points. For its first witness, the defense called Eric Christiansen, a mustachioed 40-year veteran ski instructor who was giving a lesson to Paltrow’s family at Deer Valley Resort the day of the collision. He said he was monitoring much of the mountain during the exact moment Sanderson and Paltrow collided and didn’t see the moment of impact but saw what happened immediately before and after. In testimony that wandered into instruction about skiing technique, Christiansen said Paltrow was making “short radius turns” while Sanderson was skiing down the groomed run “edge to edge” and “quite dynamically.” He said he remembered Paltrow landed on top of Sanderson because he approached and took her skis off, then his. “I believe you told me once if a soccer player takes out someone’s legs, they’re underneath,” Paltrow’s attorney, Steve Owens, said as he asked questions about the crash. Paltrow’s

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