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fold in the Nikola Jokic Denver Nuggets Autographed 2023 NBA Finals Champions Framed Shirt it is in the first place but Trump era feel better about returning. “Tim Scott [would] get more Black votes than Donald Trump did running against Joe Biden,” a Biden fundraiser said, speaking on condition of anonymity to talk freely. “It’s going to happen.” Hardened Democratic operatives say Scott’s appeal is rooted in a compelling personal story of having grown up poor and Black in the Deep South, together with his message that as president he would try to make similar opportunities available to everyone. “A Tim Scott candidacy is the one that I think would be the most complicated to run against,” said Elleithee, the former DNC official. “Almost any Democrat can write the campaign plan against Donald Trump. Almost any Democrat can write the campaign plan against Ron DeSantis. It’s relatively easy to do. You basically know what you’re going to get. But I think people would have to think long and hard about how you run against Tim Scott.” Democrats learned that lesson through painful experience. There have been several occasions when Democratic officials have been forced to apologize for racially tinged comments about Scott, reversing the pattern of Democrats’ taking umbrage at Republican insensitivities. The second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin of Illinois, apologized in 2020 after he called Scott’s police reform bill “token” legislation. Scott’s 2022 Democratic opponent apologized for calling him “Uncle Scott” (a play on “Uncle Tom”) in a fundraising email. And a Texas Democratic official resigned in 2021 after having called Scott an “Oreo,” a derisive term meaning “Black on the outside, white on the inside.” “The challenge for Tim Scott in the primary is whether he can find a path that is wide enough for him to become at least an alternative to Trump and Ron DeSantis,” said John Thune of South Dakota, the Senate’s second-ranking Republican, who has endorsed Scott. “When you talk about electability, I think he puts in play broad swaths of the electorate that have been

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tuning us out lately partly because of his style.” Of course, Scott has the Nikola Jokic Denver Nuggets Autographed 2023 NBA Finals Champions Framed Shirt it is in the first place but advantage of being relatively unknown. Democratic operatives have been digging into his record in case he emerges as the nominee or the vice presidential choice. If Scott were to make it through the GOP primary gantlet, he could expect to be deluged by negative ads highlighting his anti-abortion rights stance and his emphatic embrace of Trump. “If, by some miracle, Tim Scott makes it on a general election ballot, he will have to answer for a decadeslong extreme record that is wildly out of touch with the American people,” said Ammar Moussa, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee. (Scott’s campaign didn’t make him available for an interview.) Another hurdle faces any Republican candidate who defeats Trump in the primaries: There’s no guarantee Republican voters beholden to Trump would rally behind him or her. Trump would need to gracefully accept his loss and exhort his MAGA followers to embrace the new GOP nominee. That scenario is hard to visualize: Trump isn’t one to stoically admit defeat. “It’s a fool’s errand unless he’s running for VP,” Joe Trippi, a Democratic strategist, said of Scott. “If he did somehow win the nomination, is he counting on Trump to be gracious for the first time in his life and hold his hand in the air with him at the GOP convention and urge his MAGA followers to support him? Good luck with that.” Peter Nicholas Peter Nicholas is a senior national political reporter for NBC News. Alex Seitz-Wald Alex Seitz-Wald is a senior politics reporter for NBC News. Scott Wong contributed.

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