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have been forced to play catch-up to Silicon Valley in the Official New England Patriots Local Essential T-Shirt Additionally,I will love this past, with technologies like social media. “Washington doesn’t trust Silicon Valley to have thought through the consequences and disruptions of technologies that they’ve rolled out,” DelBianco said. Regulators and lawmakers “are competing for the spotlight, to show that they’re taking the lead to protect constituents, protect consumers” when it comes to AI, he said. Germinating ideas While Washington’s approach to addressing AI may now seem disjointed, policymakers, regulators and White House officials are having lots of conversations about it. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who is the Judiciary Committee chairman, organized an AI briefing at the White House on May 3 with Arati Prabhakar, head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Durbin’s office confirmed. Roughly 20 senators, Democrats and Republicans, attended the meeting. Blumenthal called AI the “new bright, shiny object” in Washington, and he said he doesn’t see a problem with a more organic, bottom-up approach to developing regulations in these early stages. “I sort of see this phase as germinating ideas and coalescing around the ideas that make sense, but there doesn’t have to be a kind of, you know, top-down approach. I think, let 1,000 flowers bloom,” Blumenthal told NBC News. Still, he argued that the executive branch will need to take the lead given that international cooperation will be required, similar to the Human Genome Project of the 1990s and early 2000s. “Ultimately, presidential leadership is absolutely necessary here,” Blumenthal said. “There’s so many international implications. Congress can’t conduct negotiations with the Chinese on whether they’re going to follow standards or rules that we adopt.” Other lawmakers say they are looking at tackling the AI challenge in smaller bites. The Senate Armed Services subcommittee on emerging threats held a closed-door briefing last week where AI issues were discussed, said Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. And he said there will be a lot of focus on AI issues in

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this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, the Official New England Patriots Local Essential T-Shirt Additionally,I will love this massive defense policy bill Congress must pass each year. “I think the pace of discussions on AI on many committees is picking up right now,” Kaine said. Rep. Jay Obernolte, R-Calif., a video game developer who has a master’s degree in AI from UCLA, said he’s part of House-Senate talks to form a congressional AI working group that can hammer out issues ahead of time so they don’t slow down a legislative package. “We’re in the very early stages of formulating what a regulatory framework might look like. And I think that as the effort gets a little more mature, you’re going to see more coordination,” Obernolte said. “The goal,” he said, “will be to have a bipartisan, bicameral working group so we can put together something that doesn’t have to go through the torturous process of being modified and completely changed as it moves from committee to House, and House to Senate.” Sen. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., a Biden ally who serves on the Commerce panel, said he is committed to passing AI legislation on issues he cares about, particularly around national security and film and music copyright infringement. He predicted that Biden would back AI legislation if Congress sends it to his desk. “I appreciate what the executive branch is doing,” Luján said. “I’m a lawmaker, and I’m a legislator, and we move legislation. We build packages together. We find consensus.”

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